Tuesday, November 9, 2010

white knuckles and apple muffins

I have survived, once again the predictable yet, surprising early first snowstorm that catches me with out my gnarly studded snow tires. Yes, I must remember October is when you put them on around here. In fact, why even bother taking them off? White knuckles and toddler in tow we ventured down the mountain yesterday...creeping...inch by inch. trying to avoid yet another slippery-slide-slam-on-the-brake-doomed-to-off-the-road-incident. and well, we made it. phew, only 5 more months of this snow highway! It is worth it.

Today we are staying in and making whole wheat apple muffins! They turned out really yummy!
I got the recipe from smitten kitchen and altered it a little....
replaced the sugars for 1/2 cup maple syrup and used 1 cup of whole wheat pastry flour and 1 cup of quick oats oatmeal. delicious. My girl approves!

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