Wednesday, November 10, 2010

loving this sunshine

ahhh, its finally sunny today. For an "off the gridder" this means laundry, more laundry and vacuuming. I even used the toaster oven this morning! good times...
I used the generator yesterday more times then I care to admit...

My girls birthday is coming soon! and it has me excitedly designing something again! feels good to be back on the computer, back in design mode...

so I have 2 invitations that i just cant decide from. What do you think?

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Happy Birthday to my super duper niece Taylar! Hard to believe, she is Eighteen today.
                                                                      photo by heidi roland
I am siked to have gifted her a special little gift that i hope inspires her on her creative artistic journey. Because these nifty earrings inspire me...and I have gotten so many compliments on them when I wear my own pair! They are actual photographs framed in aluminum. super lightweight, artsy and so affordable! a great can get them here.
 Heidi Roland is the inspiring artist.

white knuckles and apple muffins

I have survived, once again the predictable yet, surprising early first snowstorm that catches me with out my gnarly studded snow tires. Yes, I must remember October is when you put them on around here. In fact, why even bother taking them off? White knuckles and toddler in tow we ventured down the mountain yesterday...creeping...inch by inch. trying to avoid yet another slippery-slide-slam-on-the-brake-doomed-to-off-the-road-incident. and well, we made it. phew, only 5 more months of this snow highway! It is worth it.

Today we are staying in and making whole wheat apple muffins! They turned out really yummy!
I got the recipe from smitten kitchen and altered it a little....
replaced the sugars for 1/2 cup maple syrup and used 1 cup of whole wheat pastry flour and 1 cup of quick oats oatmeal. delicious. My girl approves!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

cold and flu defense!

 Preventative medicine is the smarter way to live.  Especially with winter+kids+germs! We are going to take charge of our health this winter... keep you posted on that mission! In the mean time we are all getting on this program:
As prescribed by my  Doctor...
For Child:
Vit. C 250 mg/day
Vit D  1000IU/day
Elderberry 1 tsp syrup/day

For Adult:
Vit. C 2000mg/day
Vit D 2000IU/day
Elderberry 1-2 cups of dried Elderberries steeped in hot water for delicious tea!
    learn more about the benefits of elderberries...    


It warms my heart that my girl enjoys eating carrots out of the garden. dirt and all. I only wish this passion for such a delicious, nutritious veggie would carry on inside at the dinner table! She wants nothing to do with them if they have been "prepared"! Unfortunately, there are only a few left in the garden at this point. next year...go big on carrots. I truly believe that little ones eating habits can be positively encouraged with participating in growing their own food. I am sad to see the end of the growing season.  I am going to bring this philosophy inside, and have her help bake and cook. She is at the perfect age! I am really interested in purchasing The Learning Tower, I think it will be helpful in keeping her safe and involved! check it out.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

let's do this

It's a step in the right direction. Ignoring the sun shining upon the solar panels and the little voice inside my head (the alter ego of my mother) saying "now is the must vacuum."
Instead I will spend this precious nap time to start this blog; where inspiration will foster a new me...and hopefully a new you. better, brighter and blissful.

...and there is the cry..."party is over, mama. I am awake!"